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Planning Board Minutes 10/12/06 Site Walk

Minutes of the October 12, 2006 Meeting - Murdough Site Walk

Members & Staff Present:

Mary Allen
Bob Edwards
Bradley Houseworth
Kathi Wasserloos
Members & Staff absent:

Fred Anderson
Scott Burnside
Mike Genest
Renee Rabideau
Andrew Robblee
Ed Rowehl
Brian Sawich    
Alex Snow       
Paul Vasques
Public Attendees:       
Peter Mellen, LLS
Brett Murdough  
Darrell S. Murdough, Jr.
Mark Murdough
Scott Murdough

Planning Board Members and Staff present convened the site walk meeting at 5:00 PM at the driveway of the existing house on property located at 22 Old Turnpike Road, Antrim, NH 03440 (Tax Map 7, Lot 44) for the proposed minor subdivision.  The members and staff reviewed the plats of the proposed minor subdivision that were supplied to the Board.

Murdough, Estate of Darrell S. File # 2006-19PB:  Chairman Edwards convened the site walk meeting on the request of the Estate of Darrell S. Murdough for a Minor Subdivision. The applicants propose to subdivide property on 22 Old Turnpike Road, Antrim, NH, Tax Map 7, Lot 44 in the Highway Business and Rural Districts into two (2) lots.  

Chairman Edwards stated that the Board wants to walk the boundary of the proposed three (3) acre lot (Lot 44) that is to be carved out of the existing thirty-six (36) acre lot.  He reiterated the two main concerns of the Board and the reasons why they wanted to conduct a site walk for this proposed minor subdivision: 1) to determine if the remaining thirty-three (33) acres is a build-able lot (Lot 44-1) and contains sufficient contiguous uplands, and 2) to determine if there is a proper area for a road cut and driveway along the seventeen hundred (1700) feet of frontage on Old Turnpike Road for the remaining thirty-three (33) acre lot (Lot 44-1).  Mr. Mellen mentioned that the applicants have received subdivision approval from NH DES regarding the three (3) acre house lot and stated that he had provided a copy of this approval to the Town of Antrim’s Selectmen Office.

The Board started the site walk at the driveway of the existing house and headed to the southeast corner of the proposed three (3) acre lot.  Mr. Mellen stated that the red flags mark the boundary between the three (3) acre house lot and the remaining thirty-three (33) acre lot.  In regards to the Boards’ concern whether the remaining thirty-three (33) acre lot is a build-able lot, Mr. Mellen stated that he thought the Board would want to look at the area just south of the southeast corner of the proposed house lot because it is one of the most desirable areas to build a home on due to the low grade of the terrain and the fact that the area is perched on top of a small hill.  Mr. Mellen stated that this flat area was once a field and looks like a build-able area.  He pointed out to the Board the PSNH power lines and easement to the south and the location of the wetland south of the old field.  

Upon walking to the southeastern corner of the proposed three (3) acre house lot, the Board continued along the southern, back boundary of the house lot, parallel to the old field, and towards the southwestern corner.  Mr. Mellen pointed out the southwestern corner of the proposed house lot and the Board continued along the western boundary line towards Old Turnpike Road.  The Board walked along the frontage of the thirty-three (33) acre lot on Old Turnpike Road, looking for a good area to place a road cut and driveway.  Upon locating the northwestern corner of the remaining thirty-three (33) acre lot, the Board decided to walk into the interior of the remaining lot to help determine the topography, presence of wetlands, and if there is sufficient contiguous uplands to constitute a build-able lot.

The Board continued through the remaining lot and returned to the driveway of the existing house to wrap up the site walk.  Chairman Edwards asked Mr. Mellen if he has drafted language yet for the plan regarding guarantying that the remaining thirty-three (33) acre lot is a build-able lot, he replied that he hasn’t yet but would write something up and e-mail it to the Board so they could review it before the next Planning Board meeting on Oct. 19, 2006 at 7 pm.  Mr. Scott Murdough asked the Board if they had anymore questions for them, no one answered.  He stated that they have no intentions of subdividing or developing the remaining thirty-three (33) acre lot, they just wanted to carve out a lot around the house to sell the house.  He stated that they want to leave the remaining lot as is, and have even discussed possibly putting it into conservation.  He added that they are big hunters, they enjoy the woods, and have talked about making a conservation area and naming it after their parents.  He stated that they don’t want to sell the house, but no one in the family is interested in it.

Chairman Edwards stated that the Board is just trying to be consistent and fair with how it handles all applications.  He stated that the Board never came to a conclusion regarding what they are going to require to prove that the remaining thirty-three (33) acre lot is a build-able lot.  Ms. Allen stated that she would be happy with a test pit and it would probably be the best for all parties involved.  Chairman Edwards stated that unfortunately the Board cannot make that determination here because the majority of the Board is not present.  He stated that when an applicant applies for a waiver to the local regulations, the Board tries to work with the applicant to come to a conclusion that benefits the Town and the applicants.  He explained that technically, if you went just by the regulations, the Board would have to require that the topographic contours be surveyed and the wetlands be delineated on the entire thirty three (33) acre remaining lot, which would be very costly.  The applicants stated that they would like to get this approval done as soon as possible and thanked the Board.

Chairman Edwards adjourned the meeting at 6:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Bradley J. Houseworth, Planning Technician, Antrim Planning Board